Friendly Flight Simulation Community

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Our Awards

Pilot of the Month This award is given to the pilot who has flown the most routes during each calendar month.
One Year Of Service This is awarded to pilots with at least one year of credible service with NGS Airways.
Two Years Of Service This is awarded to pilots with at least two years of credible service with NGS Airways.
Butter This award is given to a pilot who really knows how to butter the bread.
United States Tour Awarded to pilots who completed the United States Tour.
Canada Tour Awarded to pilots who completed the Canada Tour.
Europe Tour Awarded to pilots who completed the Europe Tour
Coasting It Awarded to pilots who flew from KLAX Los Angeles to KJFK New York on the opposite side of the coast non-stop, or vice versa.
E-Jet Master Successfully completed the "E-Jet Fun" Tour
Milk Run Successfully completed the "Milk Run" Tour.
Three Years Of Service This is awarded to pilots with at least three years of credible service with NGS Airways.
Four Years Of Service This is awarded to pilots with at least four years of credible service with NGS Airways.